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Group therapy

The Mental Health Association In Forsyth County (MHA)

Triad Mental Health Trainings

Education is “key” to reducing the stigma long associated with mental illness.  MHA provides trainings that are evidence-based and designed to educate individuals and organizations. We strive to create an environment of understanding and acceptance for individuals living with mental illness.

CIT For Law Enforcement & Other First Responders

Crisis Intervention Team Training


Lead Agency

MHA is the lead agency in the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Program in Forsyth County.

5 Day Training

CIT is a 5-day training for law enforcement, such as patrol, detention, campus police, EMS, fire, probation and other related personnel to help them recognize the signs and symptoms of persons experiencing a mental health crisis.

Tools to Help

CIT gives first responders additional tools to help them de-escalate a person in a mental health crisis in a safe and humane manner.

Access Services

CIT helps individuals in crisis access services – as an alternative to jail when appropriate. 

Image by Usman Yousaf
Developed by the National Empowerment Center, MHA partners & NAMI-NW Piedmont NC

Hearing Voices that are Distressing

Participants will hear simulated voices and simultaneously undertake a series of tasks including: 

Psychiatric interview




comprehension test


Group activity in a mock day treatment program

This simulation is followed by a debriefing and discussion period on how we can all better communicate with someone who lives with auditory hallucinations.

This training is beneficial for anyone in the community, including professionals in human services, public services, faith communities, educators and healthcare. 

Reducing the stigma long associated with mental illness

Mental Health 101 Educational Trainings

MHA offers “Mental Health 101” trainings to anyone in the community interested in learning more about mental health, how to help someone in distress and local resources for help in our community.

Each training is tailored to meet the needs, expectations of the target audience.
Education, understanding and compassion are vital to reducing the stigma long associated with mental illness.

Target recipients for this training include: 

Spread awareness, understanding associated with mental illness

Awareness and Prevention Trainings | Events

MHA works to spread awareness, understanding and to help reduce the stigma associated with mental illness. 

Services include:

Radio and Television Interviews



Depression and Anxiety Screenings


Panel Discussions


Participation In Community Health Fairs And Other Events

QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer – Suicide Education and Prevention)


Public Speaker
Giving a Presentation
A simple and powerful process for creating the life and wellness you want.

Wellness Recovery Action Plan Trainings

The MHA offers several 20-hour certified WRAP trainings annually. 
Classes are limited to 12 participants and are led by two trained peers that use WRAP in their own recovery. 

This course is often utilized by those seeking NC Peer Support Certification. There is a small fee to cover the cost of the training manual and workbook. 

Guides participants with lived experience of mental illness through the process of identifying and understanding their personal wellness resources. 

Trainings encourages hope, personal responsibility, emotional regulation, the creation of a crisis plan and self-advocacy. 

A tool that can be used for a lifetime

Classes are open to anyone who wants to create positive change in their lives or the lives of other people. 

Helps participants develop an individualized plan to use these resources daily. 


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